
The Nerve Centre: A Message from Bearclaw.

mi campaneros, hola
for those about to rock
i have amassed about 21 files of audio recordings taken at the nerve centre, ranging from the discussions on the welsh streets, to pips (not pippi longstockings therapy sessions alas) to musical interludes from mashemon, plus the famous "wolfy" the centre dog barking. along with this i've taken over a 100 snaps, some good some bad some goddam ugly, but together a beautiful summer tapestry of the life and times of the nerve centre collective as it sprung to life on august the 13th or correctly a few days before with the rocksteady clean n paint crew.

those of you intwestd in a puddycat, sorry the tweetypie and sylvester cartoon, comes to mind with granny bashing the poor moggy on the head for wanting to scrump the canary.our reach is always further than our grasp to poss the impossible to live the dream to ride a silver machine sideways through time on a bluebadge dla scooter even.
some of us are in the gutter, but whilst there we get our brogues polished by the machine.

lotta continnuita
hasta siempra
el pueblos unidos
hamas sera vencidos
stavarich narodna volya bolshevski
tioch y ar lah
erin go braith
oops a daisy!
goodnight from the night garden.

-Message Ends-
The Nerve Centre.

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