
Philosophy in Pubs at The Insurrection: Philosophy of Poverty.

Big Society ideologues would have been tingling with pride on Monday as members of Philosophy in Pubs, Nerve and members of the public gathered at ‘Insurrection’ in FACT to discuss the crucial subject of ‘Poverty’ after a hard-hitting introduction from rap artist Immortal Technique with his ‘The Poverty of Philosophy’. Oh okay, a part of that might not be true. The lyrics refer to not the weakness of philosophy but its lack in poor communities.

Drawing from the video the first question was ‘Is poverty a natural state’? Most contributors commented that the poverty that exists now is systemic. Zambia, for example spent 7% of its budget on state services in 1997 while spending 40% re-paying foreign debt. Many ‘poor’ countries are rich in natural resources. It was suggested that, despite this, individuals are seen as and often feel responsible for their poor status.

There were many examples of poverty not just in the wider world but in our immediate surroundings. Although of a different order than the poverty experienced in most third world countries many contributors recognized a poverty of hope and spirit in some working-class communities. The discussion broadened out into a wider analysis of the destructive nature of inequality in society and how those without access to cultural capital may try to buy happiness through consumption.

For some group members there was the hope of gradual change as new technologies and different ways of networking provided new and exciting opportunities. For others the problem was more urgent and there were many passionate contributions. During final comments people recognized the worth of discussing a subject which is generally avoided. Over thirty people attended the meeting on a Monday afternoon, everyone contributing in some way to a rich political and philosophical discussion.

Words by Jimmy Stanton.

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