
NERVE ENDS: An Ongoing Retrospective of The Nerve Centre.

This is a call out to all the lovely people of Nerve and anybody else who is interested to take part in a group work to celebrate and remember The Nerve Centre in the form of a collage piece. There is no particular criteria or process to contribute, just remember the following basics:

1. If it's related to The Nerve Centre or it's themes, it's welcome.
2. Be creative! Your contribution could be a poem, a single word, a picture, a postcard, a piece of your own work, a 3-D sculpture or anything that strikes you as fitting in with the piece.
3. Do remember to a add a thought to the box situated beneath the piece, which can be a poem, a suggestion, a wish for another Nerve Centre event, an inspired doodle...the suggestions are endless! I don't even mind the odd bit of swearing as long as it's not pointless! Go for it! These will eventually be gone through and featured in a later article or piece of work.
4. What are you waiting for? Be spontaneous and see what happens!

For inspiration, here's some images from Nerve End's generation so far:

Bring on the creative and let's make this piece a true representation of The Nerve Centre!

The Nerve Centre.

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