
Press Release

From Saturday 14th August for 4 weeks

4 weeks of explosive discussion, art, film, music, poetry and performance, raising the issues that other groups do not have the nerve to raise.

The Nerve Centre opens for 4 weeks on the 14th August @the old Rapid Hardware Paint shop, Renshaw Street, Liverpool City Centre.

Nerve magazine Liverpool’s longest running and most controversial arts, culture and social issues magazine in collaboration with Philosophy in Pubs, the Windows Project, How, Why, DIY and many other
organizations and individuals, are organizing 4 weeks of city based art, culture and discussion in the heart of the city. 

The aim of the event is to bring the people of Liverpool together to share ideas on how we as its citizens can work in ways to improve our city.
We aim to make our event as open as possible, and to include as many people as possible, especially those who want to make a difference in these uncertain times.
Further public enquiries:
Amy Scott Samuel on 07733376792 or email Amy on mail@catalystmedia.org.uk
Press enquiries: Darren Guy 07966534030
Day by day events guide www.catalystmedia.org.uk
The event kicks off this Saturday 14th @ 11am a chance to meet the artists exhibiting, music and performance followed by a discussion titled.

‘Liverpool; reclaiming our past, present and future
and how can we actively shape its future?

Facebook: The nerve centre

The event is supported by LCC ‘Shops Up Front’ project and Merepark

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